Back in action after a brief Dutch Delay

Sorry about the pause, but I’ve moved into a new place again, I hope for the last time on this trip, and I don’t have to commute across the open fields between Rotterdam and Delft any more. Instead, I’ve now gotta decide to ride out there on purpose, ideally before work, and this was theContinue reading “Back in action after a brief Dutch Delay”

Another Dutch Day of Sunshine

It was another beautiful morning in South Holland, so I hopped on my bike and headed into the countryside again. My first new find is this striking common chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs) finally posing perfectly after it made me chase it from perch to perch for a while. I read that chaffinch is “literally “chaff-finch,” so calledContinue reading “Another Dutch Day of Sunshine”

Dutch countryside action scenes!

I’m starting to get quite a backlog of little birds that I still need to identify, but in the meantime, it was a beautiful morning to ride across the Dutch countryside, and I caught some interesting scenes of birds we’ve already seen. First, I finally found a mute swan with cygnets, and these ones sureContinue reading “Dutch countryside action scenes!”