South Shore Yacht Club

The morning was dark and windy, so I opted to take a break from Estabrook and join Donna’s Sunday morning birding group again, and we went to the South Shore Yacht Club this time. I’m pressed for time right now, but the three fun sightings for me were:

1. A few young or female red-breasted mergansers. On or two usually show up in Estabrook Park eventually, but not yet this year.


2. About a dozen American coots. We also get these once in a while, but the most I ever saw at one time was a single pair.


3. Finally, a “non-breeding adult” horned grebe (Podiceps auritus), which I have glimpsed once or twice before, but never in Estabrook (yet!), and I have never managed a picture before. Check out that eye! Yikes!


Published by Andrew Dressel

Theoretical and Applied Bicycle Mechanic, and now, apparently, Amateur Naturalist. In any case, my day job is teaching mechanics at UWM.

7 thoughts on “South Shore Yacht Club

  1. This summer I was lucky enough to take a Milwaukee River/Lake Michigan cruise and discovered lots of birds with my binos while listening to John Gurda. This morning I saw a beaver swimming along the shore, the closest I’ve ever seen one. It near the south island. There’s some fresh looking beaver work near the northernmost trash can near the river.


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