More signs that spring is on its way…

Anne and I arrived back in Milwaukee safe and sound yesterday afternoon. The American southwest is amazing, of course, but it is also always great to be back home. This morning was cloudy, breezy, and a little sprinkly in Estabrook Park, but it was also warm, the breeze eventually died down, and the sun even came out for a bit.

The first critter to welcome me back was this little red squirrel, who appears to be sampling the bark on that twig, a behavior which I have not seen before. I can’t find bark listed in their diet anywhere, so perhaps it was just putting on a show to fake me out.


I saw no signs of the American coot, common mergansers, or goldeneyes, but there were a couple of red-breasted merganser drakes around, and here’s the one on the river.


The pond still has a little ice cover, but the water is mostly clear now, and here are a pair of Canada geese taking advantage of it.


There were also about a dozen mallards on the pond, and here’s one pair.


Meanwhile, this red-winged blackbird was calling from atop the tree directly over the park bench on the west lawn.


Finally, all the way back at the south end, by the sand volleyball court, I spotted my first yellow-bellied sapsucker of the season. Woo Hoo! Now that’s a fine “Welcome Home!”


Published by Andrew Dressel

Theoretical and Applied Bicycle Mechanic, and now, apparently, Amateur Naturalist. In any case, my day job is teaching mechanics at UWM.

One thought on “More signs that spring is on its way…

  1. For all you old cowpokes out there enjoyin’ Andrew’s bird shots, I reckon you remember watching Hopalong Cassidy on TV and Gabby Hayes calling all the bad guys, “dadgummed yellow-bellied sapsuckers!”

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