It’s a slow Friday…

This morning the weather in Estabrook Park was just about as nice as yesterday, but I didn’t see nearly as many critters out enjoying it. Maybe they’re just pacing themselves.

Anyway, here is yet another muskrat picture, but in my defense, it is a different individual on a different part of the river, and the water is reflecting some pretty colors, so here we are.


The only other sight that caught my eye was this chickadee furiously foraging for breakfast.


With the dearth of pictures today, here’s another look at the red-tailed hawk from yesterday.


I saw no sign of the red-breasted merganser on the pond or the river, but here’s another look from yesterday.


Finally, someone reported seeing the yellow-bellied sapsucker yesterday, but it eluded me then and again today, so I have to go back to Wednesday for one last picture of it.


Published by Andrew Dressel

Theoretical and Applied Bicycle Mechanic, and now, apparently, Amateur Naturalist. In any case, my day job is teaching mechanics at UWM.

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