One more happy return.

This morning started out very nice in Estabrook Park, but then the clouds soon rolled in, and we’re now enjoying yet another grey day in April. Oh well. The mergansers and now all the grebes have moved on, but as happy coincidence would have it, I captured my first great blue heron image of the year. It was perched high over the northern island and didn’t stick around long, but if last year is any indication, we’ll soon be seeing plenty of them.


So, back to Africa we go. After my visit to the Lilongwe Wildlife Center, we all went to Elina & Evelyne’s Conference center for a picnic with the family of our host in Malawi. The grounds were nice, and I arrived early, so I had time to wander around and see who lived there.

Here’s my best portrait yet of a male variable sunbird, and this time at eye level with good light and a nice background.


Together with a female, they gave me the very strong impression that they were trying to chase me away from their territory.


Here’s another tawny-flanked prinia, also posing for a portrait.


And picking a fight with his reflection in that window.


Once again, there was a wall around the grounds with a cornfield on the other side, and this time it was a male yellow bishop (Euplectes capensis) protecting his territory.


There was also a male southern masked-weaver (Ploceus velatus)


and he was doing a little maintenance on his nest.


Finally, as I started to lose light, and the rest of the picnickers started to arrive, I found another pair of bulbuls cuddling up for the evening.


Published by Andrew Dressel

Theoretical and Applied Bicycle Mechanic, and now, apparently, Amateur Naturalist. In any case, my day job is teaching mechanics at UWM.