Trying to beat the holiday rush…

It was a nice-enough morning in Estabrook Park, but it appears that most of the resident critters have already split for the Memorial Day weekend. Thus, I am sorry to say that there was no sign of either the mallard or wood duck ducklings on the pond, and the bluebirds were not in the usual spot. All I could find were a few stragglers.

Here’s an eastern cottontail just before it started hopping down that bunny trail.


And here’s a wild turkey, which some of you may have in your own backyards right now, but we don’t get to see very often in the park.


There were still a few warblers in the trees and bushes, but with my backup lens, I don’t have much hope of getting any pictures for you. I did receive word that my good lens has arrived at the service center, so here’s hoping they can fix it up quick and send it back here soon.

Published by Andrew Dressel

Theoretical and Applied Bicycle Mechanic, and now, apparently, Amateur Naturalist. In any case, my day job is teaching mechanics at UWM.