This wet spring continues…

The skies are starting to clear now, but it was a very soggy morning in Estabrook Park. The forecast suggested a gap in the precipitation right after sunrise, however, so I hustled out the door, and my reward for getting out so early is spotting this Virginia opossum hurrying home after a night of foraging. This picture is surely nothing to write home about, but it is only the second image I’ve ever managed to capture of these amazing nocturnal marsupials in the park while still alive.


At the river, which is running quite high after all this rain, I was pleasantly surprised to spot this wood duck hen with her six ducklings. They might have been hatched here, or they could be the second set of ducklings from the pond, which I haven’t seen in a few days.


At the pond, I did see the wood duck with four ducklings, but they kept their distance today. The mallards, on the other hand, were far more obliging.


Finally, back at the river and at the north end, the last big surprise of the morning is this peregrine falcon on the remaining big dead tree over the northern island.


That’s it for today, I’m afraid, and I’m kinda surprised I even managed four semi-presentable images with all the dark skies and rain showers. Let’s all hope that the clear skies forecast for tomorrow morning come to pass.

Published by Andrew Dressel

Theoretical and Applied Bicycle Mechanic, and now, apparently, Amateur Naturalist. In any case, my day job is teaching mechanics at UWM.