Some days you’re the windshield…

and some days you’re the bug. Despite the nice, though a bit breezy, weather this morning, my luck went from red-hot yesterday to pretty darn cold this morning.

I did get to see the mallard duckling again, because it really wanted to forage through the detritus along the far edge of the paved path around the pond. After it scrambled back to the water when a dog and walker came through, it went right back to where it left off. I wonder what it is finding there. Must be yummy!


And the best Mom could do is keep and eye out and try to block traffic, which probably only worked on me.


The real saving grace, however, was coming across our first eastern tiger swallowtail of the season. I’ve been spotting them for a week or two, and there were actually two this morning chasing each other for a bit, but this one soon opted to just park in the sun for me. It even let me reach in and move a couple of branches that were casting shadows across it. If only more of my subjects would be so obliging.


Published by Andrew Dressel

Theoretical and Applied Bicycle Mechanic, and now, apparently, Amateur Naturalist. In any case, my day job is teaching mechanics at UWM.