What a crazy morning…

It sure was a crazy morning in Estabrook Park today. The skies were grey, but the forecast rain never came, at least until noon as I write this, and the wildlife put on an amazing show.

The first nice treat was finding a mature bald eagle over the northern island in the river.


The first crazy sight was not one, not two, but three (3!!!) great horned owls! As I was hiking north, I could make out the same two on the island that we saw yesterday, and I figured I’d wait to get pictures on my way back south when there might be a little more light. When I was taking pictures of the eagle, however, I heard crows mobbing somebody downstream, and I thought there might be another eagle around, so I hustled back south to see. Instead, you can just make out the shape of this owl behind a narrow, vertical branch right in the middle of the picture and two of the five crows to its upper right.


I eventually returned to the north end to get a picture of the belted kingfisher I had heard.


Then I finally did my best with pictures of the two owls hiding on the southern island.


After all that excitement, I finally headed back south and took a left to swing back by the pond. On the path through the woods south of the dog park, this Cooper’s hawk swooped through and perched here for a moment.


The big surprise at the pond was finding cedar waxwings picking berries on the island.


The crazy part was finding at least two dozen of them high in a tree over the eastern shore.


I haven’t seen the hermit thrush along the river in a couple of days, but here’s one that was foraging in the lawn beside the pond today.


In between the waxwings and the thrush, here’s a female northern cardinal feasting on sumac seeds.


Finally, as if finding 3 owls wasn’t already crazy enough, look who came out of the woods to gallop past me and towards the pond! I haven’t seen a coyote in Estabrook Park since that magic morning just before I left for South Holland.


Lastly, for the Audubon bird count, which yesterday I feared might be a washout today, I counted 283 birds of 25 species, and I haven’t seen that many species since November.

Published by Andrew Dressel

Theoretical and Applied Bicycle Mechanic, and now, apparently, Amateur Naturalist. In any case, my day job is teaching mechanics at UWM.

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